Dries Depoorter – Recharge


Tooling the Future

The festival exhibitions focus on the theme of TOOLS – from AI and surveillance software to XR technologies – that artists use to shape a more positive future. The works on display question our relationship with the world and with tools, offering new perspectives on technological developments. Whose tools are we using? Who are they designed for?

The artists demonstrate how transdisciplinary collaboration and the use of digital technologies enable the exchange of experiences that are both emotional and crucial for exploring our existence in the world.

Tools for Change

At the same time, the exhibition TOOLS FOR CHANGE is on view at HEK (House of Electronic Arts). This international group exhibition centers on tools. How do they influence our future? What tools do we need and who is developing them? These are the questions the artists in the exhibition address. Guest curator Julia Kaganskiy presents artistic positions that develop alternative visions for technologies and society, aiming to enhance individual capabilities rather than replace them.

Opening: August 30th 2024, 7 pm 



• Sissel Marie Tonn
• Marc Lee
• Niculin Barandun
• Dries Depoorter
• S()fia Braga
• Cream on Chrome
• Eloïse Vo
• OVVO Studio
• Immersive Arts Space/ZHdK (Chris Elvis Leisi and Chris Salter)
• Christian Schumacher
• Iris QU Xiaoyu
• !Mediengruppe Bitnik, Gordan Savičić & Selena Savić
• Tools for Change
• Flavia Mazzanti
• Konzept: Sophie Kellner, Interaction Design: Studierende Digital Communication Environment HGK Basel, Perfomative Lesung: Antiona Scharl
• Timothy Thomasson, Sound Design & Composition: Tatum Wilson
• Ren Loren Britton

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