Ren Loren Britton

Coalition Bouquet: 504 Sit-In

Seats available

«Coalition Bouquet: 504 Sit-In» is a new video in a series that tells stories about political coalitions between disabled, trans*, radicalized and other oppressed groups: these stories retell intersectional community actions that have gone well for all involved.

Coalition Bouquet: 504 Sit-In

«Coalition Bouquet: 504 Sit-In» is a new story in a series of videos that story-tells to change the framework of how community successes are recounted. Telling stories about political coalitions between disabled, trans*, racialized and other oppressed groups, «Coalition Stories» retell intersectional community actions that have gone well for all involved. Maintaining a complex «we» where a multiplicity of goals, practices, collectives and oppositions are in action — the visual metaphor of the bouquet is in action for this film, bringing together many stems into a form against nihilism. The bouquet in this film functions as a collection of different actors, some that go together easily, others that maintain differences and all of which who come together to form something greater than any of their individual parts. «Coalition Bouquet: 504 Sit-In» tells a story about a group of of disabled revolutionaries in coalition with the Black Panthers who actioned the 504 Sit-In in 1977 in the United States shortly before the passing of the landmark ADA or Americans with Disabilities Act; radically impacting access across digital and physical infrastructures for disabled people, continuing to legally mandate access today.

Soundings Romi Ron Morrison+ren Loren Britton Still 1   Loren Britton


Headshot Ren Loren Britton August 2024 3 Sm   Loren Britton, Photo by Goda Klumbytė

Ren Loren Britton is a trans*disciplinary artist-designer who holds values that reverberate with trans*feminism, technosciences, radical pedagogy and disability justice. Their work practices with loving accountability towards collaboration, accessibility, trans*gender politics and critical technical praxis. 

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