Sissel Marie Tonn

Project Room KABINETT / Herzog & de Meuron

Free entrance

Suitable for all guests

"The Sentinel Self" is a simulated artwork that explores the relationship between human immune systems and environments polluted by microplastics. Visitors use a heart rate monitor to delve into an aquatic ecosystem, witnessing the blurred boundaries between internal and external ecosystems, highlighting the dangers of their potential collapse.

The Sentinel Self 

«The Sentinel Self» is a simulated artwork that explores the relationship between human immune systems and environments polluted by microplastics. Visitors use a heart rate monitor to delve into an aquatic ecosystem, witnessing the blurred boundaries between internal and external ecosystems, highlighting the dangers of their potential collapse.

Main Image Copy   Sissel Marie TonnUpper World Copy   Sissel Marie Tonn


Sissel Marie Tonn is a Danish artist based in The Hague, The Netherlands. In her practice she explores the complex ways humans perceive, act upon and are entangled with their environments.

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