

The festival takes place on the Dreispitz area around Freilager-Platz, which has been transformed into the "Campus of the Arts" in recent years. With the HEK, Schaulager and Kunsthaus Baselland, the area is a new hub for contemporary art in Basel. The HGK Basel brings creative life to the district with its students. The creative industries are also present with iart and other companies, contributing to the attractiveness and development of this urban quarter. 

Mesh Location Ma P2 En



The exhibitions, screenings and the discourse programme are free to attend during opening hours and do not require a ticket. 



CHF 220.–


All Inclusive


The ticket price includes participation in the conference and admission to all events, exhibitions and programme items during the festival. Due to the limited number of visitors to individual events (performances and club nights), access cannot always be guaranteed and waiting times cannot be ruled out.

Performances & Club Nights

The performances and the Club Nights are subject to a charge. If not sold out, tickets can also be purchased at the box office.

At the Mesh Festival you can decide for yourself what you would like to pay. You can choose between three price categories: 



CHF 25.–


Regular price 



CHF 15.–


Minor price



CHF 35.–


Patron price

The Club Nights are not included in the ticket price of the performances. 

Club nights


CHF 12.–


Friday and saturday

Festival Pass

If you want to visit all performances as well as the Club Nights, there is also an all access Festival Pass:



CHF 90.–





CHF 60.–


Minor price



CHF 120.–


Patron price

Due to the limited number of visitors to individual events (performances and club nights), access cannot always be guaranteed and waiting times cannot be ruled out. People with a festival pass will be given priority at the entrance. 

Opening Hours




7 pm




detailed schedule follows

thur & FRi,



9 am – 7 pm


access charges

Wed. – SUN.




Wed.: 4 pm–9 PM

Thu.–Sat.: 1 Pm – 9 pm

Sun.: 12 PM – 5 PM


wed – sat




detailed schedule follows

fri & sat


Club Nights


detailed schedule follows

fri – sun




Talks & Panels



Guided Tours


Festival Centre: CIVIC

Come and merch with Mesh!
The festival centre welcomes all visitors to  CIVIC of the HGK Basel and is open at those times:

WED: 12 pm – 9 pm 
THU – SAT: 9 am – 9 pm 
SUN: 12 pm – 5 pm

Students from the Bachelor programme in Process Design programme at HyperWerk IXDM, together with Anna Laederach, Fiona Nhieu and Selva Meyer, will transform the Civic into an atmospheric meeting place.

Visitors can obtain detailed information about the programme at the Info Desk and are more than welcome to spend time in CIVIC.

Food & Drinks

Catering during the festival will be provided by various food trucks on the Freilagerplatz, the Bistro ela in the HEK, the HGK Basel canteen and a bar in the TransBona Hall.


By bike

The festival site is easily accessible by bike from Basel. The journey from Basel SBB station takes 10 minutes. From Kleinbasel it takes about 20 minutes.

There are several entrances, the two main routes are as follows:

There are several bicycle parking spaces available at the Atelier building of the HGK Basel – Hochschule für Gestaltung und Kunst, in front of the HEK (Haus der Elektronischen Künste) and at the Kunsthaus Baselland.

Please only park your bicycles in the designated parking spaces. Escape routes and fire lanes must not be blocked. 

By public transportation 

The festival site can be easily reached by public transport.

By car

Direct access to the festival site is only possible for deliveries and people with disabilities. Visitors please use the parking garage "Ruchfeld", Frankfurt-Strasse 37, 4053 Basel. 

Parking on the Dreispitz area

There is a limited number of free parking spaces available, which are marked in blue. Please note that parking offenders will be fined. Please use one of the two parking garages (Leimgrube and Ruchfeld).

More information about parking can be found here.


Barrier free access

Arrival and departure

The festival site is located 50 meters or a one-minute walk from the streetcar stop Freilager, Münchenstein. There is no road to cross. The HEK has a parking lot for people with disabilities directly in front of the museum (see below for details). The entire festival site is accessible without thresholds.

Access by car

for people

with disabilities

After entering the Dreispitz via Gate 13, take the access road directly to the left via Florenz-Strasse in the direction of the HGK Basel high-rise building. To lower the bollard system, please press the bell of the HGK Basel, University of Applied Sciences. You will be connected to reception. If the reception is not manned, dial the service number 0041 / 61 335 40 46. The route then leads via Freilager-Platz. There is a parking lot for people with disabilities right next to the HEK.


Access to the HEK is via a staircase with 8 steps or a wheelchair-accessible ramp to the left of the entrance. The entrance to the foyer is through two double glass doors. To the left is an unattended checkroom with lockers and straight ahead to the right is the museum ticket office and the attended museum café. To the left of the ticket desk, a double door without a threshold leads into the exhibition area.

Access to the Kunsthaus Baselland is via a staircase with 7 steps (entrance from Freilager-Platz) or via a wheelchair-accessible ramp (entrance in Helsinki-Strasse). The entrance to the premises is barrier-free.
Access to the assembly hall/auditorium, CIVIC and the cinema as well as all rooms on the upper floors of the HGK Basel is barrier-free via the main entrance on the first floor. A wheelchair-accessible elevator is available.

The tank is accessible without thresholds on the first floor.

Access to the Trans-Bona hall is via several staircases with 6 steps each or a lifting platform.

The Fluxdock is accessible via several staircases, each with 9 steps, or via a wheelchair-accessible ramp.

The poster collection is accessible via several staircases with 9 steps each or via a wheelchair-accessible ramp.


Guide and assistance dogs are also welcome in the exhibition rooms.


Individual panel discussions, films, performances and workshops will be held in English. German or English subtitles are available in some cases. 


Rest and retreat areas will be available on the festival site. If you feel uncomfortable, you can contact the Welcome Desk at the CIVIC (Freilager-Platz 1) at any time.


The HEK has a gender-neutral, public wheelchair toilet. The door opens inwards and there is a door closer. The area is 250 cm by 220 cm, there is an L-handle on the wall and a folding handle on the open side. An alarm button is not installed, the washbasin can be driven under. The key is available at the museum ticket office. The wheelchair toilet is located in the basement of the HEK. The basement is accessible by stairs or public elevator. A concrete staircase with 23 steps, 3 intermediate landings and a handrail on one side leads to the basement. The door of the elevator is 90 cm wide, the area is 120 cm by 150 cm.

Further wheelchair-accessible toilets are located in the HGK Basel and the Kunsthaus Baselland.  For access to the public wheelchair toilet at the HGK Basel, please report to reception at the CIVIC. For access to the Kunsthaus Baselland public wheelchair toilet, please contact the Kunsthaus Baselland reception. 

Changing facilities are available in the HEK, Kunsthaus Baselland and HGK Basel. 

Education & Festival Tours

The Mesh Festival is accompanied by a wide range of educational activities (see program). For any questions, requests for guided tours and visits with school classes, you can contact the HEK education team directly:



Festival for art and technology
Freilager-Platz 3
4142 Münchenstein/Basel

Festival Office

Fluxdock White Box 3
Freilager-Platz 3
4142 Münchenstein/Basel

Press Corner

Fluxdock White Box 3
Freilager-Platz 3
4142 Münchenstein/Basel


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