The current hype surrounding AI - which is basically just resource-intensive computing based on data mining and brute force - makes us forget that there are completely different, much more ‘efficient’ and pleasurable forms of intelligence: Forms that are open to the diversity of beings on earth, that create relationships and playful forms of cross-species alliances. Plants in particular, these disregarded creatures, surprise us with their ingenious abilities to deal with ecological conditions. At the centre of this panel is the question of how plants sense and process, decide and act. What does this mean? What can humans learn from this? And why is this relevant for art, technology, science and society?
The panel includes a keynote by • Paco Calvo and a contribution by • Ayênan Quinchoa Juajibioy, followed by a discussion moderated by Rasa Smite.
Chaired by Plants_Intelligence. Learning Like A Plant (Yvonne Volkart, Felipe Castelblanco, Julia Mensch, Rasa Smite).
Funded by SNSF and hosted by Institute Art Gender Nature HGK Basel FHNW.