
Paco Calvo

On Plant Intelligence

Date: Friday, October 18th
Time: 6 pm

HGK AULA (D1.04)

Gratis / Free Entry

Suitable for all guests

In English

Keynote: Paco Calvo
Input: Ayenan Quinchoa Juajibioy, leader Pan-Amazon Collective, Colombia

Followed by a conversation moderated by Yvonne Volkart, IAGN.


Paco Calvo is a renowned cognitive scientist and philosopher of biology, known for his groundbreaking research in the field of plant cognition and intelligence. He is a professor at the University of Murcia in Spain, where he leads the Minimal Intelligence Lab (MINT Lab), focusing on the study of minimal cognition in plants. Calvo’s interdisciplinary work combines insights from biology, philosophy, and cognitive science to explore the fascinating world of plant behavior, decision-making, and problem-solving. By investigating the complex interactions and adaptive responses exhibited by plants, Paco Calvo has significantly contributed to our understanding of cognition beyond the animal kingdom, challenging conventional perspectives on intelligence and mental capacities.

Paco Calvo

Website Mintlab

Hosted by Plants, Intelligence, Learning Like a Plant (Yvonne Volkart, Felipe Castelblanco, Julia Mensch, Rasa Smite).

Funded by SNSF and hosted by Institute Art Gender Nature HGK Basel FHNW.


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