
Silvia Binda Heiserova

Reclaiming Technology

Date: October 17th
Time: 13:30
Duration: 20 minutes

HGK AULA (D1.04)

For guests of the conference

In English

A Collaborative Feminist Approach


This presentation outlines how technology, often perceived as neutral, replicates social and gender biases, reducing opportunities for critical reflection and inclusive participation. Reflecting on historical and contemporary gender-technology relations, it speculates on a feminist, collaborative approach to designing equitable technological tools.
By examining historical contexts, we outline how technology has traditionally perpetuated social and gender biases, manipulating the pace of our everyday lives and limiting opportunities for critical reflection and inclusive participation. This presentation proposes a shift towards a feminist approach to technology, emphasizing inclusivity and collaboration. We will explore what a feminist approach to technology entails—prioritizing inclusivity, equity and collaborative practices. This involves reinterpreting tools and systems to serve diverse functionalities and communities. Parallelly, we will show examples of applying interdisciplinary approaches that merge arts, informatics, electronics, design, and social advocacy.
This includes collaborative interdisciplinary platforms, the formation of fem-tech artistic collectives, and feminist DIY projects.

Photo 4   Silvia Binda Heiserova

Photo 1   Silvia Binda Heiserova

Photo 2   Silvia Binda Heiserova

Photo 3   Silvia Binda Heiserova

Photo 6   Silvia Binda Heiserova


Silvia Binda Heiserova is a visual and multimedia artist, researcher, and creative coder. Her artistic practice critically explores power dynamics in the digital era through a gender perspective, aiming to subvert stereotypical and biased gender representations in social and virtual spaces.

Silvia Binda Portrait Ver   Silvia Binda Heiserova

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