
Studierende IDCE, Leitung Sophie Kellner


Free entrance

Seats available

Suitable for all guests

A narrative space for techno-natural habitats. Concept: Sophie Kellner, Interaction Design: Studierende Digital Communication Environment HGK Basel, Perfomative reading: Antiona Scharl


A textile space stretches between the trees on the green area of the campus.
of the campus. When you enter it, you find yourself in a greenhouse
of a future techno-flora. The designed plants grow symbio
in the midst of contemporary nature and react to the human visit.
visit. The space invites you to consciously listen, observe, sense and
and communication. The project sees communication, perception and
and narration as the most important and fragile tools of our future and examines the encounter between human and non-human beings.


Sophie Kellner is a Basel-based designer for interactive environments and costumes. At the institute for digital communication environments at HGK and other institutions she teaches Tender Computing – a form of physical computing that sets focus rather on a sensitive, tactile, playful and narration based design than on a technology centered design.

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