
Pauric Freeman

Scalable Systems for AV Composition

Date: Friday, October 18th, 24
Time: 16:00 Duration: 20 minutes

HGK AULA (D1.04)

For guests of the conference

In English

A dynamic audiovisual tool developed in TouchDesigner


In this presentation, I will showcase a dynamic audiovisual tool I have developed in TouchDesigner over four years. It creates realtime generative visuals from synthesizer data, emphasising versatility and quick prototyping of new ideas. In addition to the talk, I would welcome the opportunity to perform using the AV tool at the festival also.

Pf Img 1   Pauric Freeman

Pf Img 3   Pauric Freeman

Pf Img 4   Pauric Freeman

Pf Img 6   Pauric Freeman

Pf Img 8   Pauric Freeman


Pauric Freeman is a new media artist working with sound, video, and installations. He develops visual systems that respond live to sonic data, experimenting with new approaches to audiovisual composition. He has collaborated with a diverse range of artists, and his work has been recognized for its innovative approach to performance.

Pauric Freeman   Pauric Freeman

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