
Markus Heckmann

Beginner Workshop

Free of charge

Thursday, Oct 17, 2024 / 10:00

TouchDesigner for interactive Installations

TouchDesigner can be quite the beast with it's wide range of uses. This 3 hour, introductory workshop will focus on the elements required to get started with TouchDesigner as a tool for interactive installations: besides video playback and image based effects, topics will include generative 2D/3D and rendering, interfacing with external input and output devices as well as investigating various protocols to allow control of an installation.

The workshop will start with an overview of Interface workflow and basic concepts behind the node based development environment and then provide context by giving step by step instructions to build an example network that could be adapted to an interactive installation.






Software to Install Before Workshop



Make sure your OS and drivers are up to date.

Portrait Landscape


The media artist Markus Heckmann studied media technology at the TU Ilmenau and the Bauhaus University Weimar, before he started work as Technical Director for Derivative (Toronto, Canada) in 2006. In this capacity, Heckmann is primarily engaged in product development, technical support, outreach, and education.

In his artistic work he combines the aesthetics of generative computer graphics with the physical properties of light. For his media performances Heckmann uses Derivative's software TouchDesigner to develop new visual instruments, which allow him to perform live with the music. The visual worlds created in this way are far removed from any representation but bring the medium itself to dream. Colors, shapes and movements draw imaginary spaces that Heckmann explores and documents with virtuosity. The artwork is created in the same moment in which it is viewed.

Image Credit: Ash KG /

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