
Encor Studio


Saturday, Oct 19, 2024 / 20:00

HEK Plattform

Seats available

Suitable for all guests

Buy Festival Pass
Audience enter the inflatable room. As soon as the performance starts; the structure starts to deflate and collapses on itself. The artists physically interact with the structure, creating physical waves and vibrations. The whole room becomes a living, organic structure that grazes and sweeps the audience... Before eventually submerge it.


COLLAPSE is an audiovisual performance for groups of 20 people.

20 people enter the inflatable room and get comfortable by laying on mattresses. 
As soon as the performance starts; the structure starts to deflate and collapses on itself.  The artists physically interact with the structure, creating physical waves and vibrations. The whole room becomes a living, organic structure that grazes and sweeps the audience... Until it submerg it.


ENCOR is an art studio founded in 2016 by Swiss artists Mirko Eremita, David Houncheringer, Valerio Spoletini, and Manuel Oberholzer.

They use light and acoustics as messengers and symbolic values to project themselves into a world which, like the properties of light itself, is still mainly mysterious and out of reach of our full understanding.

Encor Studio 2020 0034 (1)   David Houncheringer


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