Mesh FestivalMesh Festival

Sougwen Chung


Thursday, Oct 17, 2024 / 18:00

der TANK

Free entrance

Seats available

Suitable for all guests

Supported by the Schaulager Foundation, Chinese-Canadian artist and researcher Sougwen Chung will be showing two different works – BODY MACHINE (MERIDIANS) and ECOLOGIES OF BECOMING-WITH – at der TANK, which will open on October 17th through an intimate performance taking place at 18:00.

ECOLOGIES OF BECOMING-WITH is a collaborative drawing installation of moving traces. The work is enacted by a short performance of the artist’s painting with a bespoke multi-robotic system linked to their live bio-signal in front of an audience. This 25 minute performance with accompanying musical score is a ritual improvisation in which human proprioception is affected by machine feedback and made visual through the tactility of paint and brush. The work interweaves the gestures of traditional painting and the kinematic movement of a machine on the space of a canvas. After the performance, the robotic movements and the canvas remain visible as a kinematic exhibited work.


Sougwen 愫君 Chung is an artist and researcher considered a pioneer in human-machine collaboration – exploring the mark-made-by-hand and the mark-made-by-machine as an approach to understanding systems. Their work is part of the Victoria and Albert Museum’s permanent collection. In 2024, TIME named Chung one of the 100 Most Influential People in AI.

Sougwen Chung 2023 Epk 000   Tessa Nijdam

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