
Helin Ulas & Anne Duk Hee Jordan

Analogue to Digital: Ecologies and Machines

Date: October 17th
Time: 14:30 Duration: 20 minutes

HGK AULA (D1.04)

For guests of the conference

In English

In the presentation, developed by Helin Ulas and Prof. Anne Duk Hee Jordan, we will explore how new ways of seeing, rooted in ecologies, can be brought to life through computational systems in artistic research from analogue to digital.


We will discuss how TouchDesigner and other analogue methods promote academic and creative practice, integrating theory with a hands-on approach and nurturing a community.
We will share our experiences in teaching and academic research within the arts and technology fields, focusing on our roles in leading the Digital Arts department at HfG Karlsruhe. We will showcase students' works as case studies, highlighting how embodied knowledge sharing is presented in their research and artistic outcomes, blending technology, arts, and scientific research.

C Helinulas Hf G Digital Arts Student Nic Esser   Helin Ulas


Helin Ulas is a Berlin-based visual artist and designer. She researches the impact of socio-political changes on communities and technology's role in shaping culture and ecologies. Helin is a lecturer at HfG Karlsruhe and NYU IMA Low Res, focusing on real-time media and alternative computational models.
Prof. Anne Duk Hee Jordan is an artist known for her work on transience and transformation. She creates motorized sculptures and edible landscapes, blending robotic consciousness with organic life. Her art explores the dialogue between natural phenomena, philosophy, and human agency, encouraging a shift in ecological perspectives. Together, Prof. Anne Duk Hee Jordan and Helin Ulas lead the Digital Arts department at HfG Karlsruhe, HfG Digital Arts, located in the Media Arts Department, manifests a playground for going from analogue to digital.

Hu Profile Photo   Helin Ulas

Helin Ulas

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Anne Duk Hee Jordan

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