
Dustin Stupp from VAVE Studio

The Story of DreamCo: Designing an AI to capture our dreams

Date: October 17th
Duration: 20 minutes

Thursday, Oct 17, 2024 / 16:30

HGK AULA (D1.04)

For guests of the conference

In English

DreamCo is a multi-sensory, performative, AI-driven dream visualization machine.


In its trialogue between the user, the AI, and the creator, it raises questions of self-perception, tech-intimacy, and authorship. This presentation goes behind the scenes of its production, presents its best creations, and subsequent editions.

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Dustin is Creative Director at VAVE, an internationally renowned studio for space experience design, where he leads cross-functional teams in the creation of highly interactive and immersive spaces and experiences. With his background in Interaction Design, he brings tools and methods of UX to Experiential.

Stupp Dustin 2021 by Una Zhu 01 1 1   Dustin Vave

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